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Top 10 Fittest Hollywood Actors 2018

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It’s time for our annual Top 10 Fittest lists! This year, our list has 5 men who didn’t make the list last year… keep reading to find out who!
Samir Becic and the Health Fitness Revolution team is bringing your our list of the 10 Fittest Hollywood Actors. These celebrities are household names and we chose them in order to motivate everyone to be healthier, fitter, and more balanced. We chose them based on their fitness levels and body type – we recognize that not everyone is built the same with regards to their heritage and cultural background. We made sure that all of them use natural means to be healthy and fit!
We first researched all the available data on popular actors online and narrowed it down to 100. Then, we did more extensive research to narrow it down 50, 25, and then finally 10. We used a combination of interviews, internet, library, industry literature, and Samir Becic’s knowledge of over 33 years in athletics coupled with his experience as 4 times Number 1 Fitness Trainer in the World.
The actors on this list not only lead healthy lifestyles themselves, but also promote healthy lifestyle to their fans.
The following was all taken into consideration: fitness level, nutritional habits, age, their own medical issues and how they coped with them, and involvement and promotion of healthy lifestyle in general. Our picks our listed in no particular order:

Daniel Craig, 47

  • “I needed to get as fit as I possibly could [for Quantum of Solace],” Craig told the British press at the time about his James Bond workout. “Although I was big and muscled last time [for Casino Royale], I was actually not as fit as I am now.”
  • For his James Bond role Daniel Craig gave up smoking.
  • He was allowed to drink, but only on Friday nights and Saturdays.
  • He ate 5-6 times a day, cut out carbs in the afternoon and evenings, ate lots of vegetables and fruits, and concentrated on eating high quality protein (fish, eggs, chicken, protein shakes, etc.)
  • According to Men’s Health, Daniel would do weight training Monday through Friday, and then some light cardio and stretching on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Has said: “Look, I’ve got to look like I can kill somebody. If I take my shirt off, it’s not, ‘Oh, nice body.’ It’s got to be, ‘Oh, fucking hell, he could do somebody.’”

Christian Bale, 41

  • Surfs
  • Skarboards
  • He went from a role in The Machinist where he had to drop from 180 pounds to about 120 pounds. Then he bulked back up to 220 pounds for his role as Batman.
  • To add muscle after depleting himself physically for The Machinist, Bale had to kick-start his metabolism, which had been destroyed after starving himself. He used intense weight workouts, resistance weight training and plyometric circuit training, adding in martial arts training and lots of sprints, lunges, squats, chin-ups and high pulls.
  • For his role as Batman, he partakes in many action scenes which Bale to be not only buff and look lean for the casual topless scenes but also be a better athlete to make the actions sequences more credible. He had to maximize the use of his speed and agility, components of fitness usually only associated with elite athletes.
  • An avid runner, Bale openly admits to his running being the best cure for a hangover.
  • First and foremost, the diet has to be on the ball. Getting in the meals every 2-3 hours is a must for any superhero in the making, and as we have seen in the past, Bale is not shy when it comes to the physical demands of preparing for a role.
  • Christian Bale has said: “All of the muscles were gone, so that was a real tough time of rebuilding all of that. But you have a deadline, you have an obligation. You’ve said that you will commit to this part, and I just can’t live with myself for not really giving it as much as I can.”
  • Has also said: Working out is incredibly boring. I swear it’s true that the bigger your muscles get, the fewer brain cells you have.” Nonetheless, he works out all the time and is among the best paid actors in Hollywood.

Chris Pine, 35

chris pine
  • Pine does two opposite but mutually strengthening activities, yoga and boxing. This ensures he always stays close to his fighting weight.
  • Chris Pine’s latest workout involved a lot more outdoor cardiovascular exercise, namely jogging and hiking. This kind of cardio is a great way to challenge your variable heart capacity and burn a ton of calories and fat.
  • “I work out because that’s my job. What I enjoy about it, beyond the vanity, is the Zen of it. I like getting out of my head: One great way is to sweat your face off. I appreciate that if you’re thinking of anything else, you’re not working intensely enough.”
  • Has said for the last Star Trek he wanted to be a bit bigger and chunkier. He ate al lot and worked out religiously.
  • Combined yoga, boxing, circuit training, and weight lifting.

Mark Wahlberg, 44

  • Training for the movie Pain & Gain, Mark Wahlberg said he went back to his old-school movie workouts. But, he did less cardio, and ate more.
  • Wahlberg had just under 2 months to prepare for his role in Pain & Gain. Wahlberg says about the experience: “I was 165 pounds for my last movie, but I had to walk on the set at 205. So that’s 40 pounds of muscle in 7 weeks. That’s a lot of physical preparation.”
  • He workouts 5 days a week and takes Wednesdays and Sundays off.
  • Mark Wahlberg admits that he makes most of his workouts up himself and relies on past supersets that did the job.
  • Mark often begins his workouts very early in the morning followed by a “growth nap” before doing some light cardio and abs in the afternoon.
  • During filming, he often has to do his workouts at 4am.
  • Has said he has gotten to where he can bench 335lbs.

Ben Affleck, 43

  • Recently filmed Batman vs. Superman movie as a follow-up to Man of Steel released in 2013.
  • He prepared arduously for the role in which he not only had to looked chiseled but also had to be agile and athletic.
  • Initially he performed workouts five to six days in a week while spending three to four hours in a day.
  • Ben focused on full body workouts, which consisted of strength training, cardio workouts, martial training, bench press, squats, deadlifts, bicep curls, resistance training etc.
  • After the shooting for the movie began, due to time constraint, he reduced his exercise time to two hours and performed his workouts three to four days in a week.
  • Ex-wife Jennifer Garner said that in preparing for the role, he was training twice a day and had 17-inch biceps.

Brad Pitt, 51

Brad Pitt Departing On A Flight At LAX

  • From being featured in movies like Fight Club and Troy, Brad Pitt knows a thing or two about staying fit and obtaining lean muscle mass.
  • Looking at Brad’s physique, it is obvious that he didn’t get that way eating burgers and fries. He stays away from dairy and fried foods, and processed foods like bleached white flour, soft drinks, pastries, and fruit juices.
  • His training routine consists of focusing on a different muscle group each day of the week and finishing off the week with cardio on rest days.
  • “I believe you make your day. You make your life. So much of it is all perception, and this is the form that I built for myself. I have to accept it and work within those compounds, and it’s up to me.”

Tom Cruise, 53

  • Tom Cruise works out everyday- even when he’s off, he’s either hiking, biking, flying planes, or riding a motorcycle.
  • “I train pretty hard,” Cruise admits. “For ‘The Last Samurai (2003),’ I spend a year training six hours a day, seven days a week tone able to handle a sword and do it on uneven terrain, because I didn’t want to blow my knees out.”
  • Cruise is known for doing a lot of his own stuntwork in his action films, which means he always has to maintain peak physical strength and endurance with functional muscle.
  • In addition to following a strict diet and lifting weights several hours a day, Tom also does cardio daily.

Will Smith, 47

  • Will Smith has maintained his physique during his decades-long tenure in hollywood.
  • His regime includes running 5 miles 6 days a week, and lifts weights on two body parts 5 days a week.
  • Since training for his role in Ali as the iconic boxer, he still incorporates boxing training twice a week because he feels it is such a great workout.
  • “I will not be outworked. Period,” Smith says. “You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you be sexier than me, you might be all of those things. You got it on me in nine categories. But if we  get on the treadmill together, there’s two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m gonna die. It’s really that simple.”
  • He aims to eat 6 to 8 high protein meals a day which he often supplements with protein shakes to save time.
  • Although he is known for having a sweet tooth, he tries to limit his carbohydrate intake, but says he cheats once a week.

Ryan Reynolds, 39

  • Ryan Reynolds takes his shirt off in almost every movie he’s in, whether it’s a comedy, or an action hero adventure.
  • He admits to living like an unhealthy “frat boy” in his youth, but credits his role in Blade: Trinity for changing his life, and his training.
  • For the role, he trained six days a week, and ate a 3,200-calorie daily diet in order to gain 25 pounds of muscle.
  • “That time changed my life because it taught me you can actually do things that were previously impossible,” he says. “I now train because I like being healthy and I enjoy it a lot. I’m at my happiest when I’m outdoors, walking in the woods or hiking. I like to try to incorporate those kinds of activities into my morning routine. In some ways, it’s like meditation.”
  • He enjoys fitness so much that he even pushed himself to train for and run the New York City marathon in a time of 3 hours, 50 minutes.
  • Reynolds also sticks to healthy home-cooked meals such as 97% fat-free bison Bolognese with fresh ingredients over brown rice.
  • He says “Nutrition is everything. Everyone thinks getting in shape is 80% working out and 20% diet, but really it’s the other way around.”

Bradley Cooper, 40

  • Bradley Cooper is definitely Hollywood A-list and known for being in great shape.
  • His top 5 fitness tips are: super-set exercises to failure, don’t cheat on your diet for at least 6 weeks while your body detox’s, drink protein shakes – but make sure they are quality, stay focused, and drink A LOT of water.
  • “Staying focused on your goal helps you through workouts and keeps you from cheating on your diet. Put a picture of what you want your body to look like in your kitchen. It’s a constant reminder where you need it most.”
  • Here is what Cooper says about detoxifying the body by eating right: “For at least six-week. It’s vital you allow your body to rid itself of toxins and keep your hormones at optimal levels. Sugar and processed food cause your body respond in a way that prevents proper muscle growth.”
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