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Top 10 Health Benefits of Cupping

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Cupping is one of those techniques you don’t hear about every day. It’s an ancient form of alternative medicine, using cups as suction on select parts of your body to reduce pain, inflammation in muscles, and to relax. The thought of cups attached to your body can sound scary, but don’t worry, because it’s only for a few minutes with minimal pain! Here are the top 10 reasons why you need cupping therapy in your life.

  • It’s a trusted form of therapy: Ancient Egyptians would use it as therapy dating clear back to 1,550 B.C., as well as Chinese and Middle Eastern cultures. There’s endless research on the practice, so being able to trust it is a big plus!
  • There are different methods: There are different ways to do cupping, called either wet or dry (like that cappuccino from Starbucks). If you decide to do wet cupping, it will be more of a mild suction on your body. Dry will consist of using heat to warm the cups to tug the skin upwards.
  • Helps reduce pain: If you’re looking for a natural way to reduce joint and muscle pain, cupping is your answer. Cupping has been proven to significantly reduce pain in lower back issues, comparing it to typical treatments like painkiller medication.
  • Improves Digestion: If you suffer from irregularity or irritable bowel syndrome, this method may be worth looking into. Since cupping is a stress reliever, this can also lead to a healthy digestive system, since most digestive issues are caused by high amounts of stress.
  • Have a healthier complexion: Cupping can help eliminate skin inflammation, causing breakouts from acne or eczema to ease up. To help treat your problem, suction is applied to the affected area, and “nicking” the skin in the process to remove the breakout.
  • Anti-aging: Not only does cupping help you feel better, it helps fight off wrinkles and mature skin. Make sure to use products after your treatment, like lotions and essential oils to absorb into your skin and feed it all the nutrients it needs. Even if you’re not worried about aging skin now, your future self will thank you for it!
  • Treat your overworked hands: Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition you acquire when you put too much pressure on them. If you feel numbness or pain in your hands, the suction of the cups could help relieve the discomfort. After the treatment, your hands should feel relieved of pain and weakness.
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